Message from the Executive Director & Founder

2021-2022 saw a successful year for In Harmony Therapeutic Services. As we all learned to navigate an ever-changing terrain, In Harmony prioritized leaning into and expanding its partnerships with the network of amazing community partners it has developed over the past years as well as continuing to expand that network via new relationships. 

Several music therapy programs were started with new community partners in the 2021-2022 year including with Leafbridge School of United Cerebral Palsy, Women’s Recovery Center, and Rhythm of Life Adult Day Program. We also were able to launch new after school music enrichment programs focused around social-emotional learning through a new partnership with Cleveland Play House. 

In addition to new partnerships, thanks to a generous grant from the Ohio Arts Council, we were also able to develop two new trauma-sensitive music enrichment programs – Music Mindfulness and Social Songwriting – which explore social-emotional concepts through musical activities such as music-assisted relaxation and songwriting. 

In total, In Harmony was able to secure well over $40,000.00 through grant funding for program provision. That, paired with the incredible support from our generous donors, allowed us to have our most successful year yet in terms of contributed income. 

This programmatic growth extended into our team growth as well. We added two new members of our Board of Directors: Jennifer Souers Chevraux and Kamilah Morgan. Additionally, we were able to offer a part-time salaried clinical music therapy position. In Harmony was also able to expand its reach as a thought partner through several professional development workshops presented to educators and music therapists both locally and regionally. 

As we look ahead to the future, In Harmony will be examining how best to make meaningful impacts not just in our community, but to the larger music therapy community as a whole. We remain committed to the ideals and principles of anti-oppressive practice and are seeking to expand our understanding of those principles in all aspects of the organization. We also continue to evaluate how to address the inequities of music therapy access both in short-term, action-focused ways and in long-term, systemic change while also advocating for the music therapy field as whole. 

Thank you to every single person who has been a supporter of our organization, through your social media likes and shares, reading our newsletters, donating to our fundraising campaigns, speaking about us to your friends and family – we could not do this without you. You support matters. I cannot thank you enough. 


Alicia Bousner Hrubey, M.M., MT-BC
Executive Director & Founder