Reading to Learn Something New: Maria Fesz

Here’s the thing about reading; a lot of people say they “don’t read.” I’m going to assume that’s not actually true. Think about the last time you read a book. Has it been a while? Years, even? I’m not judging you! But then, think about how much you read on your phone. Did you read a news article today? Or maybe an Instagram post led you down a rabbit hole to a list of life hacks for working from home. Or how many ways to tie a scarf.

You are reading every day, and I want to encourage you to do what I did. Read an article that pops up about something you know nothing about. Maybe it’s something about robots in grocery stores, or an update on an endangered condor species. Reading articles like this can spark an interest in you that you never even knew about!

It’s how I learned more about trauma-informed music therapy. When Alicia started In Harmony Therapeutic Services, I was excited about donating to any organization involving music therapy. As a trained musician and former private music teacher, I know that music can positively impact the lives of both the young and the old. But when I started reading into trauma-informed music therapy? I had no idea! I thought: Children NEED this! I was even more inspired to donate.

Long story short, I highly encourage you to read more about music therapy, trauma-informed therapies, and even stories of operating nonprofits. It inspired me to donate for different reasons than before. More informed reasons. And I believe the more informed I am of what I’m donating to, the more excited I am to donate! Now, let’s get reading!

Maria Fesz, M.M., MLIS
In Harmony Board Member since 2019

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