We Need Your Help – Our Response to COVID-19

The generosity of our supporters is the reason that In Harmony Therapeutic Services is not only able to survive the economic crisis tied to COVID-19, but also creatively find ways to meet the needs of our clients – despite all the challenges we are facing. Thank you for supporting us.

When schools were shut down and community programs locked up, it was impossible for us to meet our music therapy clients face-to-face, but we knew that we still had work to do. The health and safety of the children and adolescents we serve is paramount. We shared resources and looked into ways to help our community get the essential services and goods it so desperately needed. 

Then, when everyone caught their collective breath, we were able to see the specific need that we were uniquely qualified to meet. Our community, our country, our entire world, was experiencing a collective trauma. We were feeling scared and isolated and, in just a few days time, the reality we knew was tipped on its head. As adults, this was frustrating, scary, and lonely to navigate. We could only imagine the way it made our young clients feel.

Executive Director Alicia Hrubey conducting a live stream on mental health coping strategies

Yet, we were hopeful, because we knew what to do! In Harmony Therapeutic Services is uniquely qualified to use trauma-informed supports to design musical interventions that connect with children to support their emotional needs, fulfill their longing for social interaction, engage them academically, and improve their general quality of life through fun, uplifting, and engaging music making. We knew we could help our community find support, connection, and joy.

So we increased our social media presence and offered live stream therapeutic advice and musical activities to help parents navigate these intense waters themselves, as well as help their children survive and thrive. If you missed these videos, check out our Facebook page as well as this FREE resource document.

Most importantly, we began offering services to our clients via Telehealth. In these unique sessions, we have used interventions like songwriting, singing, and dancing to lift the spirits and engage the minds of some of our clients, while practicing academic and social-emotional skills with others. We are currently providing 26 group and individual sessions each and every week. Children have expressed joy in having access to these sessions and caregivers have expressed gratitude for continuity of services.  

Executive Director Alicia Hrubey offering a Telehealth music session

These Telehealth sessions have been so engaging and so successful that it has become clear to our music therapists that we need to continue these services throughout the summer. Our client’s don’t stop needing emotional, social, and academic support just because the weather gets warmer. But like everything else, these sessions have a cost- and that’s where YOU can help. 

Tuesday, May 5th is #GivingTuesdayNow. The global generosity movement saw the need to support nonprofit work right now and dedicated a special day to promote giving. We have decided to join in the spirit of generosity by asking for your help to raise $1,000 so we can offer our clients discounted or free summer music services via Telehealth. $1,000 will allow us to provide over 30 virtual music therapy sessions to the children and adolescents of Greater Cleveland.

It has always been the mission of In Harmony Therapeutic Services to make music therapy services accessible to our community, and though this global pandemic has made that more difficult, we are determined to make sure that those who need our therapy can access it. We know you are a generous person, and we know you want to celebrate this global day of giving with us.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Go to Facebook and Instagram to follow us and share our posts. Spread the word! #GivingTuesdayNow 
  • Print out a #GivingTuesdayNow window heart. This invites your neighbors to join in, and if you share a photo of your window heart on social media it can help other generous people find a way to give. Use the hashtags #Unselfie #GivingTuesdayNow 
  • Donate early. Click here to donate $30 and help us continue our trauma-informed music therapy services over Telehealth this summer. A $30 donation pays for one entire 30-minute session!

Together, we can create more harmony.

Will you support In Harmony Therapeutic Services?