Important Update from In Harmony

On March 1st, In Harmony launched a month-long fundraising and awareness campaign. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the efforts of our Board of Directors and team of ambassadors, we have met our goal in only two weeks!

I would like to acknowledge the Oatey Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Oatey Company, for a gift of meaning they donated in support of In Harmony’s mission and services.

Because of current world circumstances, In Harmony is halting any further fundraising activities effective immediately. During this difficult and uncertain time, In Harmony will be focusing on providing community resources to those affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic and working to transition the organization toward providing remote therapeutic services so that we can serve as many youth and adolescents as possible.

I encourage you to visit In Harmony’s Facebook page on a regular basis as we will be posting new content to lift the spirit and engage the mind for both children and families. If you feel compelled to donate in support of In Harmony’s efforts, know that you may donate online or text DONATE to (440) 345-8662.

From the In Harmony family to yours, we hope you remain safe and healthy in the coming weeks and months.

Will you support In Harmony Therapeutic Services?