In Harmony launches March fundraising and awareness campaign

Beginning March 1st, In Harmony Therapeutic Services is launching a month-long fundraising and awareness campaign in celebration of World Music Therapy Day. WMTD is an international effort designed to shine a light on music therapists and the ability of music therapy to make life better and more fulfilling.

The goals of this campaign are twofold. First, In Harmony is seeking to raise $3,000 by March 31st. These funds will be used to ensure In Harmony has the tools necessary to continue its mission of providing accessible music therapy services while also positioning the organization for growth in 2020 and beyond. Click here to donate now. If you’d like to take a more active role in the March campaign, please contact us about joining our team of volunteer ambassadors.

The second goal is to educate our supporters and the general public about what In Harmony does and why it matters. Stay tuned to In Harmony’s blogFacebook page, and Instagram profile throughout the month of March as regular posts and updates will be provided on music therapy as a practice, activities and programs In Harmony is spearheading, and how you can support this work.

Will you support In Harmony Therapeutic Services?